Alters In Humans
What are Alters
There are several names and definitions for alters. Here are a few of them. Alternate identity, dissociative identity, distinct identity, personality state, personality, dissociated part, self-state, part, part of the mind, part of the self, soul portion, alter of protection, spiritual alter, physical alter, mental alter, emotional alter, dissociative part of the personality and demonic spirits associated with many alters.
Prayer to Release The Alters Inside of You
In the name of Jesus, I command the human parts of alters to leave me and end their service now. Dear God, I did not realize the evil that I was a part of. I ask for your forgiveness oh heavenly Father, for not knowing this and now I ask you for freedom from all of this evil, wickedness and demonic spirits. I don’t want any part of this any more in my life, in the mighty name of Jesus of Nazareth. Amen.
I bind up all of the demonic spirits associated with these alters and cast them into the pit of hell. Oh, Heavenly Father, I ask you to fill all of the voids and places with Your presence that was previously occupied by any demonic spirits in and around my flesh as added protection, so the demons cannot return and find their houses swept clean. Expand the wisdom & use of your Holy Spirit within me. All these things I pray in the mighty name of Jesus of Nazareth. Amen.
Just as a person who receives miraculous deliverance from any evil spirits becomes more accountable and will end up in even worse condition if they don't walk in that accountability. You must be quick to repent for all sin and ask God to forgive you. If you don’t do this then you will allow demonic spirits the rights to come upon you and within you. Start living a Holy life the best that you can as a true mature Christian does. It’s not too hard but it takes time to accomplish this. Get deep into the word of God so that you can grow in Him.
The Lords Thankful Prayer
My Father, the Lord of lords and King of kings , (Revelation 17:14) who art in Heaven and whom is in me, (Ephesians 1:19, John 14:17, 20 & 26). Hallowed be your name. Your kingdom has come to me on earth as in Heaven, (Matthew 12:28, Luke 10:9, Luke 11:20, Luke 17:21, Romans 14:17, 1 Corinthians 4:20). Your will is being done through me as you are directing me and in control of my life as you are my source for all good and perfect things, (Genesis 22:14, Psalm 23:1, James 1:17, 1 Corinthians 8:6). Thank you Jesus for giving me my daily bread, for I eat in plenty and are satisfied, (Joel 2:26). Forgive me for my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me (Matthew 6:14). Thank you Jesus for always letting me know when I’m being tempted by the devil, (Ephesians 1:19, John 14:16-18, 20 & 26, 1 Corinthians 2:16, 1 John 2:20). Thank you Jesus for giving me the authority over all the power of the devil-the evil one, (Luke 10:19). For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
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